About Us

The Hoop For All Foundation is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization that uses sports and athletics to provide communities with access to health care resources; namely, healthcare professionals, health educational material, healthcare testing, and inpatient assistance. Hoop For All partners with national health organizations to provide information on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment during sporting events. Additionally, Hoop For All serves to empower communities through special events, youth programming and community development.


  1. Decrease the number of major health concerns caused by lack of access.
  2. Increase community activity through athletics, arts, and entertainment.
  3. Mentor students, athletes, and youth on the importance of health, physical activity, community outreach, and entrepreneurship.

Hoop For All “One Shot™” Program

The One Shot™ Program brought to you by Hoop For All is a growth and development  program to support the advancement of minority inner-city at-risk athletes ages 13-18. The Fall Session runs 8-10 weeks, and students meet once a week, each Saturday for a full day of programming. 

Before the work begins, Hoop For All brings a unique element to their program with weekly workshops designed to teach the campers about the game outside of the game. The workshops are designed to talk about the lessons you will need once the ball stops. Topics like financial literacy, health and nutrition, mental health and mindfulness, the business of the sports, college preparation, and career planning.